Threat Awareness

Protect your business, counter the perils of phishing attacks on staff.

Adaptive Cybersecurity/Next-Gen Expertise/Proactive Partnerships


What is Phishing and why is it a threat to your business?

Phishing, where attackers impersonate legitimate entities to trick team members into sharing sensitive data, underscores the vital role of Threat Awareness within every business. Initiated through deceptive emails, text messages, or websites, these attacks can jeopardize confidential passwords, financial details, and personal data.


How do Phishing Attacks impact you?

  • Exposed Data: Phishing often instigates data breaches, leading to loss of sensitive information and competitive advantage.

  • Stolen profits: Phishing leads to direct financial losses from fraudulent transactions and costly recovery processes.

  • Brand Damage: Public knowledge of a phishing attack damages reputation, eroding trust with your customers.

  • Work Disruption: Phishing attacks diverting resources away from core work functions hurting performance.


The benefits of Threat Awareness:

Defending against Phishing Attacks

  1. ASSESS: Understand your organisation's cyber-security awareness needs.
    Start with a FREE Security Test!

  2. PLAN: Develop a comprehensive training plan using effective resources.

  3. TEST: Conduct regular phishing simulations using a Phishing reply test to enhance detection skills.

  4. EDUCATE: Utilise engaging materials to educate and captivate learners.

  5. CUSTOMISE: Tailor training to align with specific employee responsibilities.

  6. REPORT: Create a culture of reporting cyber threats using specified. To quickly report threats, use a Phish Alert Button.

  7. REINFORCE: Ongoing reminders and refreshers to ensure lasting awareness.

  • Empowering Your Workforce: Threat awareness empowers employees to proactively mitigate risk.

  • Increasing Productivity: With fewer successful phishing attacks, employees can confidently focus on core responsibilities.

  • Compliance confidence: Prevent compliance risks and ensure your organisation remains up to date with changing regulations.

How can Murdoch Webster help?

  • Expertise & Guidance: Our team of certified experts can provide guidance on best practices implementing threat awareness programs.

  • Comprehensive Coverage: We cover all aspects of threat awareness needs with a modern, best-of-breed focus on cyber compliance.

  • Flexibility & Scalability: We right-size your threat awareness strategy to scale as your business grows.


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