Murdoch Webster achieves Palo Alto Networks CPSP accreditation.

Palo Alto Networks Certified Professional Services Partner

Partnering in depth with Palo Alto Networks, we are thrilled to announce our official Certified Professional Services Provider (CPSP) accreditation.

The CPSP program serves to both recognise our elite engineering heroes and critically the best practice methodologies our customers enjoy when working with Murdoch Webster.

A fantastic strategic partner of over 10 years, Murdoch Webster recently achieved our Certified Professional Services Partner (CPSP) accreditation placing them amongst our elite partners globally. Clients should feel confident that a CPSP has gone through a rigorous assessment and review process regarding their knowledge and work with our technologies.

I'm particularly excited with Murdoch Webster, they have embraced not only our technology, but also our Best Practice Assessment approach for security.. - Bryan Stibbard, Director Channels and Alliances.

As one of few Australian owned and operated Palo Alto Networks Platinum Innovator partners, Murdoch Webster can deliver full end-to-end cybersecurity support to our customers from discovery, design, education, full transformation services and ongoing management (MSSP).

Palo Alto Networks continue to be a cornerstone partner for us across our cybersecurity practice. We’re pleased to unlock CPSP status and will keep investing our time and resources to deepen our technical knowledge and capabilities for our customers. - Chris Mearns, Founder & CTO

We pride ourselves on being pro-active here at Murdoch Webster, let’s work together to ensure your Palo Alto Networks footprint performs to your business’ needs and growth expectations.

Are you concerned about your security posture and looking for greater protection across your corporate applications? Reach out to us regarding a Palo Alto Networks Best Practice Assessment today.