Presenting our Brilliant Bio for December, featuring Anthony Gluth!


Welcome back to another Brilliant Bio! This month, we’re excited to present one of our newest teammates Senior Account Executive, Anthony Gluth.

From sales to tech, we’re covering all areas of our talented team and providing a behind the scenes peak into what gets them up in the morning. Anthony is a real character, enjoy! 👍



I studied psychology at university but have always had a passion for customer service. Driven by this, I worked in numerous part time sales jobs while I was studying. Rather than doing a post grad, I joined an IT company and worked myself up to a sales role. Leveraging my passion for people and customer service, I thrived in this role and was quickly headhunted for a more senior role. This set the tone for my career.


What were some significant life experiences that led you to where you are now?

Working for Basis Networks (CyberCX) which was focused on Netsec was an amazing experience for me. My tenure there represents the most successful time in my sales career thus far. I believe this is due to the people (very good engineers), the owners (who understood me), the culture (supportive and family-like) and my sales maturity.

  • About 10 years ago, I embraced philosophy and truly discovered myself and what’s important in life. ⭐️

  • I was a spiritual leader and/or organisational psychologist. 👨‍💼

  • Buy something expensive! 💰

  • Spaghetti….because I’m flexible in all situations! 🍝

  • Festivus…..Christmas for the rest of us! (copyright Frank Constanza, Seinfeld) 🎄

  • Cats……they’re easy to clean up after and don’t need to be walked! 🐱

  • A Psychologist. 👨‍⚕️

  • The opportunity to create something from nothing, bringing in new business along the way! 📈

  • I was going to be a chippie? (loved my mini tool belt) 🔨

  • I would perform a comedy routine! 🎭


Life at Murdoch Webster

Q: What's your favourite office snack, and how does it fuel your cybersecurity success?
Oat bars……sugar hit for the hard stuff! 🤤

Q: What's the most memorable team outing or event you've had at Murdoch Webster?
My first experience of a Murdoch Webster event was the Ladies Of IT Brunch, supporting the BCNA fundraising campaign. It was an awesome morning of networking, fantastic speakers and the occasional mimosa. I was thrilled to participate in that experience and eagerly look forward to the next one! 🍾

Q: How do you think cybersecurity experts will work together with artificial intelligence in the future to tackle cyber threats?
As AI evolves, predicting threats that were previously hard to anticipate will become a lot easier. 🕵️‍♂️


Q: Imagine a day in the life of a Murdoch Webster employee 10 years from now. How do you envision it?
Via a VR headset!

Q: What do you value most about being part of the Murdoch Webster team?
The potential to be a valued member of a successful and reputable team. We share a pursuit of excellence and customer satisfaction, pushing me everyday to excel in my role. 😄


Q: What's the go-to playlist or song that gets your team in the zone for tackling cybersecurity challenges?
Red Right Hand…Nick Cave 🎧